Fix Windows 10


If you hate Windows 10 as much as I do, and do not or are incapable of switching to another, better operating system, I'll try here to create a comprehensive guide on how to make the Windows 10 experience as "enjoyable" as it can be. I am not very adept with computers, and most of the information here I compiled from different sources. Since I myself am retarded and frequently mess up instructions, I'll try to leave no room for misinterpretations, so even the most tech-unsavvy of people can go through with this. Because you deserve an OS that works for you, not an OS that you work for!

Step 1: Removing Bloatware

Bloatware is software that is pre-installed on the system and is stuff you will likely never use, or even know that it existed and was included in the operating system. Most OSes have some amount of bloatware, but Windows 10 is full of it, taking up precious storage space and reducing performance and startup times.
Start with Windows10Debloater Steps: 1. Download the ZIP on the GitHub website. Click on 'Code, and click 'Download Zip' in the dropdown menu. 2. Extract the ZIP using a file extractor. I reccomend 7zip, which you can get here. You probably only need the 64-bit x64 version. Right-click on the ZIP file and select 7-Zip, then click 'Extract to Windows10Debloater.master\' Step 2 Image 3. Once it has finished extracting, open the file and click on 'File' at the top of the file explorer. Select 'Open Windows Powershell' and then click on 'Open Windows PowerShell as administrator'. It's imperative that you run it as an administrator. Step 3 Image 4. First, run this command in the terminal: .\Windows10SysPrepDebloater.ps1 -Sysprep -Debloat -Privacy Wait for all processes to complete before moving onto the next step. This may take a while, so relax. Step 4 Image 5. Run either .\Windows10DebloaterGUI.ps1 or .\Windows10Debloater.ps1 You should probably go with the first option, as it has a simple interface and you don't have to mess with code uneccessarily. I will run the GUI version for ease of use. By default, a system restore point will be created, so if the debloater somehow breaks something, you can revert to the previous version and troubleshoot. In this image, I've highlighted all the reccomended options. By making a blocklist, you can choose which applications you choose to uninstall. If for some reason you're fond of 'FarmVille 2 Country Escape'. Step 4 Image

Uninstall Windows Store and Others

Seriously, who the fuck uses this? I've always abhorred this, especially since it is embedded into the search menu. This step is optional if you vehemently enjoy the Windows Store. 1. Open up PowerShell again. Make sure you're running it as administrator. 2. Run this command: Get-AppxPackage *windowsstore* | Remove-AppxPackage Other apps that you should probably remove, using the same command. Just replace *windowsstore* for the respective *appname*. Marked with an asterisk (*) are ones that might be important to you, and also which ones you choose to uninstall is completely at your disrection, anyhow.
  • onenote
  • windowsalarms
  • windowscalculator*
  • windowscommunicationsapps
  • windowscamera
  • windowsmaps
  • windowsphone
  • windowsstore
  • zunemusic
  • zunevideo
  • xboxapp
  • skypeapp
  • bingnews
  • bingfinance
  • bingweather
  • soundrecorder*
  • photos*
  • people
  • Uninstall Microsoft Edge

    Notoriously difficult to delete. Microsoft will tell you that deleting this piece of garbage will break your PC's functionality, but it won't. It IS possible to uninstall it though, but it's likely that Windows 10 will force it back onto you if you update your computer, but there's a workaround for that, too. 1. Navigate to settings, and click on 'Apps' Uninstall Microsoft Edge step 1 2. Click on 'Apps and Features' within the Apps menu, and scroll down to where Microsoft Edge is. It cannot be uninstalled here, this is merely to check the version you are running. Note this down. Uninstall Microsoft Edge step 2 3. Open Command Prompt. This is accessed by typing 'cmd' into the search bar, and once again make sure that you run it as administrator. Run this command: cd %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Microsoft\Edge\Application\version\Installer, replacing 'version' with your respective version of Microsoft Edge. In my case, this would be cd %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Microsoft\Edge\Application\104.0.1293.63\Installer 4. Run this command: setup.exe --uninstall --system-level --verbose-logging --force-uninstall. Microsoft Edge should now be uninstalled, though some artifacts might remain.

    Disable Internet Explorer